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Bahrain grabs global top spots in ICT

Bahrain secures a prestigious fifth spot globally and third in the Arab world in the 2024 ICT Development Index (IDI), indicating a strong dedication to advancing its tech and digital economy goals for 2022-2026.

The meritorious achievement issued by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) comes home for the second consecutive year, with the kingdom scoring 97.5 points, surpassing the global average of 74.8 points. This award underscores Bahrain’s ongoing commitment to achieving the strategic objectives of the telecommunications, information technology, and digital economy sectors (2022-2026), aiming to consolidate its position among leading nations in this vital sector.

Transportation and Telecommunications Minister Mohammed bin Thamer Al Kaabi said that Bahrain’s continued progress in the ICT sector was the outcome of concerted efforts aimed at developing the country’s sectors in line with the vision of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and under the oversight of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

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He added that the ministry remains dedicated to further advancing this vital sector, providing all necessary resources to realise its ambitious vision of constructing an advanced, sustainable economy that serves Bahrain and its people. This achievement also reflects Bahrain’s efforts to advance the telecommunications and ICT sectors through the objectives outlined in the Sixth National Telecommunications Plan for 2023-2026.

The minister emphasised that this ranking underscores Bahrain’s dedication to fostering innovation and digital transformation across various economic sectors, thereby contributing to sustainable development and enhancing Bahrain’s regional and global advancement in telecommunications infrastructure and information technology. 

These positive outcomes highlight Bahrain’s economic and technological progress, serving as a catalyst for further innovation and development in this vital sector, he added. 

The minister commended the efforts of those monitoring performance indicators and analysing results, including members of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and telecommunications companies. He highlighted that this achievement was made possible through dedicated national efforts to enhance technological development, infrastructure, competitiveness, and service quality to meet the highest global standards, thereby boosting Bahrain’s standing in global ICT indices.

The ICT Development Index, published by the International Telecommunication Union, is a pivotal component of the Measuring the Information Society Report and one of the most significant global indicators assessing countries’ progress in the ICT field, considering three dimensions: ICT access, usage, and skills.

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